Get to know “Ethermail”, the tight e-mail of the Web 3.0 world that will revolutionize the traditional e-mail industry.

Kawin Mattapa
4 min readMar 30, 2023


By PichayaMARCH 30, 2023Get to know “Ethermail”, the tight e-mail of the Web 3.0 world that will revolutionize the traditional e-mail industry using BLOCKCHAIN technology.
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Email has been a basic communication tool for businesses and individuals for decades. However, the technology behind email remains unchanged. This has led to issues such as spam, phishing, and privacy concerns.

However, now our world has a new email system that can revolutionize email technology and overcome these problems. This e-mail system is called “Ethermail”. Today, Siam Blockchain will bring everyone to get to know Ethermail so that everyone can answer at the same time that Ethermail has the potential to revolutionize the e-mail industry in the future. how much

What is Ethermail?

Ethermail is an e-mail system. decentralized Based on the Ethereum blockchain, it was developed by a team of blockchain enthusiasts who wanted to create a more secure, private and censorship-resistant email system.

Ethermail uses a peer-to-peer network to send email. Instead of relying on a central server, Ethermail is more secure than traditional email systems. Emails we send with Ethermail are encrypted, signed and stored on the Ethereum blockchain, a process that no one can mess with. our email

Highlights of Ethermail

Ethermail offers a higher level of security than traditional email systems. Because it works using a peer-to-peer network, anyone can be sure that emails are encrypted and stored in Ethereum, so no one can tamper with them.


Ethermail is designed to be a personal email system. Email messages are end-to-end encrypted, so only the recipient of the email can read them. Additionally, Ethermail does not store user data on central servers, so Ethermail can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches. very well

prevent censorship

Ethermail is an e-mail system. decentralized This means that the system is not controlled by a central authority, so Ethermail is immune to government censorship and surveillance. This is where Ethermail meets the needs of users in countries with strict internet regulations.

cost savings

Traditional email systems require expensive infrastructure and maintenance, while Ethermail runs on the Ethereum blockchain, so Ethermail has very low maintenance costs.

open source

Ethermail is an open source project. This means everyone can contribute to its development. This encourages developers to commit to improving the system to make Ethermail more secure and user-friendly.

Will Ethermail be able to revolutionize the email industry in the future?

Ethermail certainly has the potential to revolutionize the future email industry. Due to the current e-mail system has a security problem. privacy and censorship, and Ethermail has the potential to overcome these problems.

At the same time, decentralized email systems that is encrypted from source to destination and system design to be able to prevent censorship It’s what makes Ethermail an attractive alternative to traditional email systems.

However, Ethermail is still in the early stages of development. And it remains to be seen if people will use it more widely in the future. Because the email industry is dominated by a few big companies. So we will have to keep an eye on whether the Ethermail system will be widely accepted. And can it become the email system of choice for businesses and individuals in the future?

Anyone interested in getting into the email revolution with Ethermail early can

sign up at

Anyone who signs up will receive 250 EMC Airdrops if they follow the steps in their inbox. First, you can get another 500 EMC.

In addition, if you have already signed up for Ethermail. Then continue registering an alternate email. can receive an additional 200 EMC, so in total we will receive free airdrops at the beginning of up to 950 EMC ever, and if you use Ethermail to send and receive emails often, you will also receive additional EMC coins. EMC coins may or may not have value. which we have to follow and wait and see in the future

Go To Claim Airdorp :

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